Hanmen Kyōshi (反面教師 - A Negative Exemplar)

Sep 30, 2019 08:54
Hanmen Kyōshi

There are many people and things that can be described as 'hanmen kyōshi' (反面教師) in the world.

(It is difficult to notice for myself, but I might become that.)

'Hanmen' (反面) means "other side" and 'kyōshi' (教師) means "teacher," so the literal meaning of 'hanmen kyōshi' is "the other side teacher."

Actually, it means a bad example that can be a material for reflection.

This four-character idiom was created by a leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, and it was used for the first time in his speech in 1957.



「反面」は "other side"、「教師」は "teacher" を意味するので、「反面教師」の文字どおりの意味は "the other side teacher" です。


No. 1 シャル❇️'s correction
Interesting post.
I came across a 反面教師 just yesterday. And she is literally a sort of 教師 ^^;
Thank you for the comment. :)
It's ironic, haha.

  • There are many people and things that can be described as 'hanmen kyōshi' (反面教師) in the world.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (It is difficult to notice for myself, but I might become that.)
  • (I might actually be one myself!)
     Think this is what you meant?
  • 'Hanmen' (反面) means "other side" and 'kyōshi' (教師) means "teacher," so the literal meaning of 'hanmen kyōshi' is "the other side teacher."
  • 'Hanmen' (反面) means "other/opposite side" and 'kyōshi' (教師) means "teacher," so the literal meaning of 'hanmen kyōshi' is "the other side teacher."
  • Actually, it means a bad example that can be a material for reflection.
  • Actually, it means a bad example that can be a material for reflection. (Actually, it means an example of what not to do)
     Your sentence isn't wrong grammatically, but the meaning sounds a little vague for me. I wrote a simpler alternative below
  • This four-character idiom was created by a leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, and it was used for the first time in his speech in 1957.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Wow, I didn't realize Mao invented that phrase. Ironic, cause he's a bit of a 反面教師 himself haha
Thank you for the correction!
> Think this is what you meant?
Yes, it's exactly what I wanted to say. :)

> Ironic, cause he's a bit of a 反面教師 himself haha
Such a case can be described as ブーメラン (boomerang) in Japan, haha.